Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Past Month

Clara's cheesy grin.
I must have cooked a good dinner!

Wearing a vintage Smurf shirt that was mine.
Jeff, Susan, and Holden visited over Labor Day for the Balloon Derby. Clara has missed Holden and was giving him a big hug.

Clara trying to entertain herself while I cooked dinner.

How's This for Safety Aunt Jenny?

I got Clara a child seat for my bike this weekend. She loves it! I think Clara is going to get me in shape. We rode for 45 minutes the past two days and when we get home she gets mad when I try and take her out of the seat. Nurse Jenny reminded me of the importance of bike safety, so I purchased a helmet today. The knee and elbow pads were included. Now if Clara will wear the helmet while riding, we'll see tomorrow.