Monday, November 5, 2012

Deer Season

Eric got the first deer of the season on Oct. 28. Clara helped him track it.  She wasn't fond of the dark and only wants to track deer in the daytime from now on.

11 Months Old and a New Cousin!

 Spencer was 11 months old on November 1. His first cousin was also born, John Reid Jesaitis.  He was a little guy at 3 lbs 14 oz, but he is doing great. We can't wait to meet him at Christmas!


Clara wanted to be a ballerina and she wanted Spencer to be a bat, it was an easy Halloween. Spencer wouldn't take a nap that evening, so he was asleep for the first half of trick-or-treating and Clara fell asleep before we made it to all of our stops.

St. Louis

 We had lunch at the park. . .
 We visited the St. Louis Zoo with good friends. . .

 We played with Owen. . .
And I ran a half marathon on Sunday, October 21.  I ran it in 1:53. I had fun and the weather was perfect.

Fall Fun!

It took Spencer a while to figure out the leaves and enjoy them.
Six teeth!