Thursday, April 23, 2009

Holden and Clara

Last night Eric and I babysat Holden so his mom could attend a dinner for earning Teacher of the Year at South Valley--congrats Susan! We had fun playing outside in the perfect weather!
Clara making herself comfortable, no concept of personal space!
They are both intently studying a dandelion.

Clara didn't want to let her feet touch the grass.

Holden enjoying Clara's bear.

Clara standing on her own. She's getting better, she stands up to a minute on her own.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Clara Entertaining Herself

This is why it takes so long to put laundry away. Clara is much better at getting things out then putting them away. Also, why do we have a room full of toys when she plays with everything BUT the toys?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Brett's Baseball Game

Clara had fun clapping with the crowd.

After Brett's baseball game-a win!

Callie, Laura, and Clara

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Break

Easter weekend in Brookfield with Mom and Dad, Uncle Vince, and Lisa.

Finally was able to get a cute picture of Clara with her bunny ears on, thanks to the help of Lisa for distracting CJ.

Getting spoiled again--opening presents from Uncle Vince and Lisa. Thanks for the cute clothes!

Clara in her big girl p.j.'s. She looks so darn cute in them, but so grown up!

Clara on the go

Eric's parents have one of the old fashioned toys that aren't made much anymore because some parents can't watch their kids and they crash down the stairs. They ruin the fun for everyone else, Clara loves being this mobile!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Six Month Photos

Here are some pictures a friend took of Clara back in December. She has changed so much, but these are too cute not to share. Thanks Drew for the awesome photos, as usual! :-)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Doctor's Visit

Clara had her 9 month visit yesterday, even though she is 10 months old now. She is weighing in at 18 lbs 11 oz and is 27 1/4 inches. Hopefully she will be around 20-22 lbs when she turns one so we can turn her car seat forward-facing. I think that will alleviate some fussing issues if she can see us better and see what is going on. I have started looking for convertible car seats for my car. I only want to buy one more car seat until we can move to just a booster seat.

She is so much fun right now. Clara loves playing keep-a-way from Eric. She will act like she is going to give him a toy and then pull it back real fast and laugh. I can't wait until next week. We are on spring break and get to hang out all week together!