Monday, February 20, 2012

Feb. 19-20

 Feb. 19
A Pinterest idea 3 months in the making.  I finished Spencer and Clara's stockings for Christmas, but I wanted to make some for Eric and I because I found too many patterns that I liked.  (My Mom actually did as much as I did, but we finally finished them!)
Feb. 20
Spencer was having tummy time while I was putting away his clothes and he fell asleep, the piles behind him are the clothes he has already outgrown!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feb. 13-18

 Feb. 13
Clara wanted to make a tent to sleep in our room.
 Feb. 15
I just had to show the rolls that are starting to show up on Spencer.
Feb. 16
Spencer is all smiles every morning, makes it hard to leave him to go to work.

 Feb. 17
Warm enough for a short walk Friday evening.
Feb. 18
"Helping" iron with her own iron.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

First Day I Missed

Spencer will definitely sleep better when he can sleep on his tummy.  Tummy time wore him out and he slept soundly for several hours like this.

After Spencer's bath his hair went into a mohawk. 
February 5
 Feb. 6
CJ and I made cupcakes to take to her babysitter's house.
 Feb. 7
I think CJ took this pic.  She is getting pretty good.

Feb. 8
Busy week, didn't get any photos today.

 Sleeping until the last minute before getting them ready before going to work.
I took this pic to show how Spencer is growing  out of newborn clothes.
Feb. 9
LOVE his smile!
This is why I am almost late to work every day, I don't want to leave this happy guy.
 Feb. 10
 CJ wanted Spencer to watch tv with her.
Jenny and Stacie taste testing baby food at their shower.
 Feb. 11
We made Valentines for CJ to take to school on Tuesday.  She stayed interested for the majority of the time. :)
Feb. 12

Saturday, February 4, 2012

 January 31
Spencer does not like to be swaddled, however, he still startles himself and moves his arms around.
 February 1
We received a gift card from a very good friend when we had Spencer so I finally had time to do some online shopping.  I decided to get prepared and buy some baby food.  Just a couple more months before he can start trying some cereal.
 This is one of the last times he will be able to wear this newborn outfit. Spencer is a growing boy!
 February 2
A very special girl came to visit Spencer with Greg and Lisa the other day.  I can tell Ryenne is going to make a great babysitter in a few years!
 Thanks to my cousin Amy for making me, and Clara, baby slings.  I can see myself using this A LOT!
 Waiting for Holden and Susan.
February 4
It was worth the wait, Holden and Clara had so much fun together.  Thank you Susan for making the trip to visit us!