Saturday, February 4, 2012

 January 31
Spencer does not like to be swaddled, however, he still startles himself and moves his arms around.
 February 1
We received a gift card from a very good friend when we had Spencer so I finally had time to do some online shopping.  I decided to get prepared and buy some baby food.  Just a couple more months before he can start trying some cereal.
 This is one of the last times he will be able to wear this newborn outfit. Spencer is a growing boy!
 February 2
A very special girl came to visit Spencer with Greg and Lisa the other day.  I can tell Ryenne is going to make a great babysitter in a few years!
 Thanks to my cousin Amy for making me, and Clara, baby slings.  I can see myself using this A LOT!
 Waiting for Holden and Susan.
February 4
It was worth the wait, Holden and Clara had so much fun together.  Thank you Susan for making the trip to visit us!

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